Military Tuition Assistance

If you plan to use Military Tuition Assistance (TA) through any branch of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, or Selected Reserves you must first contact your Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within your Military Service prior to enrolling in courses.

You must submit your Tuition Assistance Authorization form to the Bursar before the start of the semester.

Military Tuition Assistance is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the period for which the assistance is awarded.  If a student withdraws, the student may not be eligible for the full amount of TA funds awarded.

Return of Tuition Assistance

In order to be in compliance with the new Department of Defense policy, Cox College will return any unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided.  Unearned funds will be returned based upon when a student stops attending during an enrollment period.

When service members are required to stop attending due to a military service obligation, Cox College will work with the service member to identify solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion.


Calculation and Return of Funds

The date the student “officially” withdraws from a course is considered the last date of attendance for the return of tuition assistance.

If a student is reported by faculty as not attending a course for the equivalent of three consecutive weeks without notifying the faculty, the student will be administratively withdrawn. Cox College will determine the last date of attendance (LDA) by determining the last date of activity within a course.  Online courses LDA will be based upon the last date a student made a contribution to the class or submitted an assignment.  Cox College will reach out to faculty to determine the LDA for face to face courses.

Cox College will recalculate TA eligibility based on the following formula:

Number of weeks completed
——————————————————-         =  percent earned
Total weeks of the course (start to end date)

The TA program will determine eligibility for courses. The course start and end date will be used for each class to determine eligibility. Using the formula above, Cox College will determine the amount of TA awarded that must be returned when a service member does not complete at least 60% of each course, which could result in creating a balance on the Cox College student account.

Related Forms

Present the Veterans Certification Request to the Cox College VA School Certifying Official (SCO) each semester benefits are requested.

(.pdf, 816K)

Self-Verification Information is available on this handout.

(.pdf, 72K)